Manufactured Realities (2021)
Manufactured Realities is about overlapping spaces and temporalities, and the presence of unseen, but imaginable realities. It is a work that exists in two versions, each an "alternate reality" of the work. The “multimedia version” is a 33-minute mobile audiovisual performance for zheng, live electronics, video projected on two monitors, and two spaces. It can also be exhibited as a fixed audiovisual work, in which a recording of the solo zheng is projected through two loudspeakers in a room adjacent to the primary exhibition space. The “instrumental version” is a standalone 20-minute solo zheng performance, but also serves as the instrumental part for the “multimedia version”. In the “multimedia version”, the performer is confined to a hidden space, the sounds of the zheng captured, processed, and projected in real-time through loudspeakers in the presentation space. Using 3D VBAP (Vector Base Amplitude Panning) and a 49.4 loudspeaker system, this work divides a real architectural space into multiple virtual spaces. Each space inhabits and exhibits a unique temporality. As such, spectators travel through time by moving through space.
3-minute teaser video
A live performance is commonly perceived as being more “real” than a recording. This perception of reality is often reinforced visually by the physical presence of a performer in the same space as the audience. In such instances of co-existence, individual identity is temporarily suspended, as performers, audience members, venue organizers, and even architectural spaces are expected to fulfill specific roles at appropriate times. The same sense of anticipation unifies all parties, as they collectively witness the unfolding of an event guided by ritual, chance, and uncertainty. Manufactured Realities, however, confronts the authenticity of a reality defined by physical presence. It explores the boundary between "reality" and "alternate reality" in various forms: the real architectural space and the multiple virtual spaces; the unprocessed instrument confined to the hidden space and the electronically-processed zheng in the presentation space; the physical absence of the performer and the video replacing that absence; grayscale (absence of colour) and colour (a cognitive illusion perceived as reality). Ultimately, this work invites audience members to examine their perception of reality, and to reconsider alternate realities as equally "real" experiences.
Instrumental version (full 19-minute audio)
Multimedia version (full 33-minute audio)